ECEN885: Advance Robotic Systems
Instructor: Dr. Jamshidi at UTSA University and by Dr. Karimoddini at NC A&T University
Prerequisite: ECEN-668 or equivalent or consent of instructor
Course Overview: This course will cover recent developments in control of robotic systems by utilizing different techniques such as positioning, navigation, localization, and Motion Control. Available toolboxes and techniques for control of robotic systems will be reviewed. The course materials will be applied to robotic platforms and simulators.
- Topics will include most of the following:
- Introduction to and history of Robotics, Mobile Rovers and Robotic Manipulators
- Robotics toolbox
- Introduction to Intelligent Control Handouts
- Position and orientation in 2D and 3D environment
- Time and motion
- Definitions of Manipulators and Mobile Robots, Autonomy, Behavior and structural elements of mobile robots
- Using Linux and ROS for robotic applications
- Using MATLAB Fuzzy logic toolbox for robotic applications
- Using Cloud infrastructure, Python, Hadoop for robotic applications
- Mobile robotics kinematics and dynamics
- Navigation
- Localization
- Vison-based techniques for robotics
- Robot manipulators kinematics
- Velocity relationships in Manipulator robots Navigation
- Dynamics and Control of Manipulators
- Corke, Robotic Vision and Control, Springer-Verlag, 2011 (C).
- Zilouchian and Jamshidi, Intelligent Control Systems with Soft Computing Methodologies, CRC, Boca Raton, 2004.
- L Behera and I. Kar, Intelligent Systems and Control, Oxford Press, UK, 2009.
- T. Nanayakkara, F. Sahin and M. Jamshidi, Intelligent Control Systems with an Introduction to System of Systems Engineering, Boca Raton, FL, CRC Publishers, 2010.
- Fu, Gonzales and Lee, Robotics, McGraw Hill, 1997.
Robotics Experiments
The students will be expected to apply the course materials to different robotic platforms including aerial and ground robots.