
Chancellor Martin's tweet about the Smart Agricultural Project conducted at ACCESS Laboratory.

Wendell Bates from the ACCESS Lab is giving a workshop on "Introduction to Robot Operating System and to Cloud-based Robotics," at Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute(SIPI). [Workshop Agenda] [Workshop flyer]

Guilford County Counselor Conference attendees visited the lab.

A group of sixth grade students from Mountain Island Lake Academy visited the lab.

A Robotic Workshop at the ACCESS lab.

A group of students from Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute (SIPI), a National Indian Community College, visited the ACCESS Lab and attended several traning sessions and workshops on roboticsand Robot Operating System (ROS).

A robotic workshop for the SIPI students at the ACCESS Lab.

SIPI students attended a workshop on controlling a Turtlebot robot using the Robot Operating System.

SIPI students are trying to control a UAV in a narrow corridor.

In collaboration with GenCyber program, A group of students and teachers from rising 8th to rising 12th visited ACCESS Lab and the Autonomous CAR A3 Lab.