ACCESS Laboratory Members

Mubbashar Altaf Khan, Ph.D.  

Post-doctoral Research Scholar at NC Transportation Center of Excellence on Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Technology (NC-CAV)

ACCESS Laboratory 

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

North Carolina A&T State University

Greensboro, NC, 27411

E-mail: makhan1 at ncat dot edu


Dr. Mubbashar Altaf Khan is a Post-doctoral scholar with Autonomous Cooperative Control of Emergent Systems of Systems (ACCESS) Lab, NC Transportation Center of Excellence on Connected and Autonomous Vehicle Technology (NC-CAV), and the Autonomous Control and Information Technology (ACIT) Institute at North Carolina A&T State University.  Dr. Khan holds a Ph.D. in Engineering degree from the University of Toledo (2018). He also holds an MS. Electrical Engineering degree from Bleaking Institute of Technology, Karlskrona, Sweden (2008), a Master of Business Administration (2013) degree from University of Findlay, USA. and a BS. Computer Systems Engineering (2005) degree from Comsats Institute of Information and Technology, Abbottabad, Pakistan. His research interests include Cognitive Radios, Secondary Radio Spectrum Trade, Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Test and Evaluation, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Systems.


Research Interests
